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In-class Assignment 2

In class assignment 2 (due Thursday 10:59 AM, right before class).

Symbolic Execution

Show the symbolic execution tree to each program below

  • Clearly label symbolic inputs (e.g., a=A, b=B, b=C or a=\(\alpha\), b = \(\beta\), c = \(\gamma\))
  • Show EVERY path to the assertion violation (including the INFEASIBLE one)
  • Label each path P1 ... Pn
  • Create a table as shown below at the end and fill in the answers (examples are given).
  • Hint: use Z3 to solve the constraints and obtain input values.
  • If there is an assertion violation, clearly show the path and inputs causing the violation
Path Path Condition Feasible Inputs Local Variables Assertion Violation?
1 A !=0 && B < 5 && (A == 0 && C != 0 ) NO NA NA NA
2 A !=0 && B < 5 && !(A == 0 && C != 0 ) YES a=1,b=4,c=1 x=-2,y=0,z=2 NO


  1. Note: this is the example shown in class

    def f1(a, b, c):
        x = 0 , y = 0 , z = 0
        if (a!=0):
            x = -2
        if (b < 5):
            if (a==0 and c!=0):
                y = 1
            z = 2
        assert (x+y+z != 3)
  2. Another example

    def f2 (a , b):
        x = 1
        y = 0
        if ( a != 0):
            y = 3+ x
            if ( b == 0):
                x = 2* (a + b)
        assert (x - y != 0)

  3. Perform symbolic execution to find inputs causing division-by-0 error (i.e., at the last line i=j/i)

    def f3(i):
        j = 2 * i
        i += 1
        i = i * j
        if (j < 1)
            i = -i
        i = j / i