SWE 619 Course Schedule and Assignments

Table of Contents

1. Notes:

  • notes.html: Older, more details, but not very polished
  • notes.ipynb: Python notebook format, you can download the file and load in VS Code or some other editor/viewer.

2. Schedule

  • Notes: Except for the first class, students are expected to complete the reading prior to class on listed meeting. Quizzes may occasionally take advantage of this expectation. Homework assignments are due on the date listed.
Topic Reading Assignment In-Class Exercise
Class Overview Liskov 1–2   IC 1
Procedural Abstraction; Exceptions Liskov 3–4, Bloch 10 A1 Due IC 2 A B
Imperative Program Verification Hoare logic notes A2 Due  
Imperative Program verification Hoare logic notes NO ASSIGNMENT IC 4
Data Abstraction; Mutability Liskov 5.1–5.10, A4 Due IC 5 A B
Iteration Abstraction; Method Guidelines Liskov 6, Bloch 8 A5 Due IC 7 A B
Type Abstraction Liskov 7 A6 Due IC 8 A B C
Research Talk (slides: DIG, NeuralSAT) No New Material NO ASSIGNMENT IC 9
Polymorphic Abstract; Lambdas Liskov 8, Bloch 7 (Item 42) A8 Due IC 10
Generics Bloch 5 A9 Due IC 11 A B C
Common Java Contracts Bloch 3 A10 Due IC 12 A B
Classes and Inheritance Bloch 4 A11 Due IC 13 A B C
Contract Model in Testing Advanced JUnit (slides 22-24) A12 Due IC 14
Final Exam example (sols in Notes)    

3. In class Assignments

3.1. In class 1

Work with your group and do the following:

  1. Spend a few minutes getting acquainted. Explain a bit about yourself: full-time student?, working in software development?, why are you taking this class?, favorite/least favorite thing about writing software?, etc.
  2. Decide on a mechanism for joint communication. Google docs? IDE with screen share? Something else?
  3. Now address a technical topic. This exercise touches on some of the thorny issues in data abstraction and inheritance. There is a lot going on in this example. Hence don’t worry if it seems confusing today. We’ll revisit this example several times over the course of the semester.

    Consider the following (textbook) code:

            public class User {
                private String name;
                public User (String name) { this.name = name; }
                @Override public boolean equals (Object obj) {
                    if (!(obj instanceof User)) return false;
                    return ((User) obj).name.equals(this.name);
                // other methods omitted
            public class SpecialUser extends User {
                private int id;
                public SpecialUser (String name, int id) { super(name); this.id = id; }
                @Override public boolean equals (Object obj) {
                    if (!(obj instanceof SpecialUser)) return false;
                    return super.equals(obj) && ((SpecialUser) obj).id == this.id;
                // other methods omitted
            class User:
                def __init__(self, name):
                    self.name = name
            def __eq__(self, other):
                if not isinstance(other, User):
                    return False
                return self.name.__eq__(other.name)
            class SuperUser(User):
                def __init__(self, name, nid):
                    self.nid = nid
                def __eq__(self, other):
                    if not isinstance(other, SuperUser):
                        return False
                    return super().__eq__(other) and self.nid == other.nid

Hint: also look at the Javadoc for equals()

  1. Walk though the execution of the equals() method in class User for a few well-chosen objects as the parameter. What happens at each point in the execution?
  2. What does it mean for an equals() implementation to be correct? How do you know? Be as concrete as you can.
  3. Is the given implementation of equals() in class User correct? Again, be concrete. If there is a problem, find a specific object (test case!) that demonstrates the problem.
  4. How does inheritance complicate the correctness discussion for equals() in class SpecialUser?
  5. What is your assessment of the equals() method in the SpecialUser class?

3.2. In class 2A

Consider the following implementation:

     public static List<Integer> tail (List<Integer> list) {

         // REQUIRES/PRECONDS: ???
         // EFFECTS/POSTCONDS:  ???

         List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(list);
         return result;
        def tail(my_list):
            # REQUIRES/PRECONDS: ???
            # EFFECTS/POSTCONDS: ???

            result = my_list.copy()
            return result

Hint: also look at the Javadoc (for remove) or Python (for pop)

  1. What does the implementation of tail do in each of the following cases? How do you know: Running the code or reading an API description?
    • list = null
    • list = []
    • list = [1]
    • list = [1, 2, 3]
  2. Write a partial specification that matches the “happy path” part of the implementation’s behavior.
  3. Rewrite the specification to be total. Use standard exceptions (e.g., as suggested in Bloch’s).
  4. The resulting specification has a problem. What is it? (hint: specification should be more general and not tied to the implementation)
  5. Rewrite the specification to address this problem. Rewrite the code to match the new specification.

3.3. In class 2B

Goal: Understanding Contracts

Consider the 3 methods hasNext , next, and remove in the Java Iterator interface:

  • For each method, identify all preconditions and postconditions.
  • For each precondition, identify a specific input that violates the precondition.
  • For each postcondition, identify an input specific to that postcondition.

3.4. In class 4

     // {N >= 0}   # P
     i = 0;
     while (i < N){
         i = i + 1;

     //{i == N}  # Q
  • Identify the loop invariants for the loop in this program
  • Use a sufficiently strong invariant to prove the program is correct
  • Attemp to prove the program using an insufficiently strong invariant, describe what happens and why.

3.5. In class 5A

Consider a simple generic Queue implementation.

     public class Queue <E> {

         private List<E> elements;
         private int size;

         public Queue() {
             this.elements = new ArrayList<E>();
             this.size = 0;

         public void enQueue (E e) {

         public E deQueue () {
             if (size == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Queue.deQueue");
             E result = elements.get(0);
             return result;

         public boolean isEmpty() {
             return size == 0;

  1. Rewrite Queue to be immutable. Keep the representation variables elements and size.
  2. Do the right thing with enQueue().
  3. Do the right thing with deQueue().

3.6. In class 5B

Consider the code:

     public class Members {
         // Members is a mutable record of organization membership
         // AF: Collect the list as a set
         // rep-inv1: members != null
         // rep-inv2: members != null && no duplicates in members
         // for simplicity, assume null can be a member...

         List<Person> members;   // the representation

         //  Post: person becomes a member
         public void join (Person person) { members.add   (person);}

         //  Post: person is no longer a member
         public void leave(Person person) { members.remove(person);}

  1. Analyze these 4 questions for rep-inv 1.
    1. Does join() maintain rep-inv?
    2. Does join() satisfy contract?
    3. Does leave() maintain rep-inv?
    4. Does leave() satisfy contract?
  2. Repeat for rep-inv 2.
  3. Recode join() to make the verification go through. Which rep-invariant do you use?
  4. Recode leave() to make the verification go through. Which rep-invariant do you use?

3.7. In class 7A

Consider the Java Iterator<E> interface:

     public boolean hasNext();
     public E next() throws NoSuchElementException
                            public void remove() throws IllegalStateException
  1. Work through an example using next() iterating over a list of strings: ["bat", "cat", "dog"]
    • Example means a a sequence of next() calls
    • clearly indicate the concrete and abstract states after each call
  2. Do the same thing but with a prev() method (combination of next and prev)?
  3. Do the same thing but with a remove() method (combination of next and remove)?

3.8. In class 7B

Consider the Period example in Bloch’s Item 50 (3rd Edition):

     // Broken “immutable” time period class
     public final class Period {               // Question 3
         private final Date start;
         private final Date end;

          * @param start the beginning of the period
          * @param end the end of the period; must not precede start
          * @throws IAE if start is after end
          * @throws NPE if start or end null

         public Period (Date start, Date end) {
             if (start.compareTo(end) > 0) throw new IAE();
             this.start = start; this.end = end;  // Question 1
         public Date start() { return start;}    // Question 2
         public Date end()   { return end;}      // Question 2
  1. Write code that shows the problem the line marked // Question 1.
  2. Write code that shows the problem the lines marked // Question 2.
  3. Suppose that the class declaration were:

            public class Period { // Question 3
    • Think of a scenario and write code that shows the problem.

3.9. In class 8A

Goal: Understanding dynamic dispatching

Consider Liskov’s MaxIntSet example with explicit repOk() calls: (Really, we’d need assertions on these calls…)

     public class IntSet {
         public void insert(int x) {...; repOk();}
         public void remove(int x) {...; repOk();}
         public boolean repOk() {...}
     public class MaxIntSet extends IntSet {
         public void insert(int x) {...; super.insert(x); repOk();}
         public void remove(int x) {super.remove(x); ...; repOk();}
         public boolean repOk() {super.repOk(); ...;}

     MaxIntSet s = {3, 5}; s.remove(5);  // repOk()????
  1. What do the "..." bits do?
  2. How does the call work out?
  3. What is the abstract state of a MaxIntSet? There are two options. What are they, and what are the consequences of each choice?

3.10. In class 8B

Consider the following:

     class A:
         public void reduce (Reducer x)
             // Effects: if x is null throw NPE
             // else if x is not appropriate for this throw IAE
             // else reduce this by x

      class B:
          public void reduce (Reducer x)
             // Requires: x is not null
             // Effects: if x is not appropriate for this throw IAE
             // else reduce this by x

      class C:
           public void reduce (Reducer x)
             // Effects: if x is null return (normally) with no change to this
             // else if x is not appropriate for this throw IAE
             // else reduce this by x

Analyze the “methods rule” for reduce() in each of these cases: Note: Some analysis may not be necessary. If so, indicate that.

     B extends A.
     Precondition Part:
     Postcondition Part:
     C extends A.
     Precondition Part:
     Postcondition Part:
     A extends B.
     Precondition Part:
     Postcondition Part:
     C extends B.
     Precondition Part:
     Postcondition Part:
     A extends C.
     Precondition Part:
     Postcondition Part:

3.11. In class 8C

Consider the following:

    public class Counter{   // Liskov 7.8
         public Counter()     //EFF: Makes this contain 0
             public int get()     //EFF: Returns the value of this
             public void incr()   //MOD: this //EFF: makes this larger
     public class Counter2 extends Counter { // Liskov 7.9
         public Counter2()         //EFF: Makes this contain 0
             public void incr()       // MOD: this //EFF: double this
     public class Counter3 extends Counter {  // Liskov 7.10
         public Counter3(int n)   //EFF: Makes this contain n
             public void incr(int n)  // MOD: this //EFF: if n>0 add n to this
  1. Is there a constraint about negative/zero values for this? How do we know?
  2. What methods are in the Counter2 API?
  3. Is Counter2 a valid subtype of Counter?
  4. What methods are in the Counter3 API?

3.12. In class 9

This is a recap exercise.

     public class BoundedQueue {
         private Object rep[];
         private int front = 0;
         private int back = -1;
         private int size = 0;
         private int count = 0;

         public BoundedQueue(int size) {
             if (size > 0) {
                 this.size = size;
                 rep = new Object[size];
                 back = size - 1;
             }  }

         public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0); }
         public boolean isFull() { return (count == size); }
         public int getCount() { return count; }

         public void put(Object e) {
             if (e != null && !isFull()) {
                 if (back >= size)
                     back = 0;
                 rep[back] = e;
             } }

         public Object get() {
             Object result = null;
             if (!isEmpty()) {
                 result = rep[front];
                 rep[front] = null;
                 if (front >= size)
                     front = 0;
             return result;
         @Override public String toString() {
             String result = "front = " + front;
             result += "; back = " + back;
             result += "; size = " + size;
             result += "; count = " + count;
             result += "; rep = [";
             for (int i = 0; i < rep.length; i++) {
                 if (i < rep.length-1)
                     result = result + rep[i] + ", ";
                     result = result + rep[i];
             return result + "]";

  1. What is wrong with toString()? What needs to be done to fix it? Make it so.
  2. Write some sample client code to exercise the data structure. Include some non-happy-path cases.
  3. Write contracts for each method (as written), including the constructor.
  4. Build a rep-invariant. Focus on the code in get(). There are also lots of constraints on the array indices; these are quite tricky to get right. The constructor also introduces some complexity.
  5. Suppose we removed the line

            rep[front] = null;

    from get().

    1. Informally, why is this wrong?
    2. Formally, where does the correctness proof break down?
    3. Could a client ever see the problem?
  6. Now that we’ve done some AF/RI analysis, what changes make the implementation better? btw - this is code straight out of a textbook.
  7. Could this data structure be made immutable? If so, what would change in the contracts and method headers? What would likely change in the implementation?

3.13. In class 10

     public class Person {

         public enum Sex {
             MALE, FEMALE

         String name;
         Sex gender;
         String emailAddress;

         public int getAge() {
             // ...

         public void printPerson() {
             // ...

  1. Approach 1: Create Methods That Search for Members That Match One Characteristic.

    One simplistic approach is to create several methods; each method searches for members that match one characteristic, such as gender or age. Create a method that prints members that are older than a specified age.

    Limitation: This approach can potentially make your application brittle, which is the likelihood of an application not working because of the introduction of updates (such as newer data types). Suppose that you upgrade your application and change the structure of the Person class such that it contains different member variables; perhaps the class records and measures ages with a different data type or algorithm. You would have to rewrite a lot of your API to accommodate this change. In addition, this approach is unnecessarily restrictive; what if you wanted to print members younger than a certain age, for example?

  2. Approach 2: Create More Generalized Search Methods.

    Create a method is more generic than the one in the previous approach. It prints members within a specified range of ages.

    Limitation: What if you want to print members of a specified sex, or a combination of a specified gender and age range? What if you decide to change the Person class and add other attributes such as relationship status or geographical location? Although this method is more generic, trying to create a separate method for each possible search query can still lead to brittle code. You can instead separate the code that specifies the criteria for which you want to search in a different class.

  3. Approach 3: Specify Search Criteria Code in a Local Class

    Instead of writing filtering functions, use a new interface and class for each search you plan. Use the following filtering criteria for example: filters members that are eligible for Selective Service in the United States: those who are male and between the ages of 18 and 25:

    Limtation: Although this approach is less brittle—you don’t have to rewrite methods if you change the structure of the Person—you still have additional code: a new interface and a local class for each search you plan to perform in your application. Because one of the class implements an interface, you can use an anonymous class instead of a local class and bypass the need to declare a new class for each search.

  4. Approach 4: Specify Search Criteria Code in an Anonymous Class

    Use an anonymous class to address the issue with Approach 3.

    Limtation: This approach reduces the amount of code required because you don’t have to create a new class for each search that you want to perform. However, the syntax of anonymous classes is bulky considering that the CheckPerson interface contains only one method. In this case, you can use a lambda expression instead of an anonymous class, as described in the next section.

  5. Approach 5: Specify Search Criteria Code with a Lambda Expression

    Use lambda expression to address the limitation the previous approach.

3.14. In class 11A

Given the following variable declarations, independently consider the given 6 sequences of Java instructions.

     String           string = "bat";
     Integer          x = 7;
     Object[]         objects;
     List             rawList;
     List < Object >  objectList;
     List < String >  stringList;

Identify any code that results in a compiler error or warning. Identify any code that raises a runtime exception. Once a compiler error is noted, you do not need to analyze the sequence further.

  1.         objects = new String[1];
            objects[0] = string;
            objects[0] = x;

    //Runtime error

  2.         objects = new Object[1];
            objects[0] = string;
            objects[0] = x;

    //no issue

  3.         stringList = new ArrayList < String >();
            stringList.add(string) ;

    //no issue

  4.         objectList = new ArrayList < String >();
            objectList.add(string) ;

    Compile error: incompatiable object String and Object

  5.         objectList = new ArrayList < Object >();
            objectList.add(string) ;
            objectList.add(x) ;

    No issue

  6.         rawList = new ArrayList();
            rawList.add(string) ;
            rawList.add(x) ;


3.15. In class 11B

     // Chooser - a class badly in need of generics!
     // Bloch 3rd edition, Chapter 5, Item 28:  Prefer lists to arrays

     public class <E>  Chooser {
         private final List<E> choiceArray;

         public Chooser (Collection <E> choices) {
             choiceArray = new ArrayList<E>(choices);

         public E choose() {
             Random rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
             return choiceArray.get(rnd.nextInt(choiceArray.size()));
  • First, simply generify by adding a type to the Chooser class. What is the compiler error with this approach?
  • How can you turn the compiler error into a compiler warning?
  • Can this warning be suppressed? Should it?
  • How can you adopt Bloch’s advice about arrays and lists to get a typesafe Chooser class without doing anything else that is complicated?
  • Add rep invariants and contracts (e.g., throw exceptions in unwanted cases); check if code satisfies these; and if not modify code to satisfy them. This question will take the most time!
  • Add a addChoice method to the API and write appropriate contracts for it

3.16. In class 11C

     public class BoundedQueue {

         private Object rep[];
         protected int front = 0;
         protected int back = -1;
         private int size = 0;
         protected int count = 0;

         public BoundedQueue(int size) {
             if (size > 0) {
                 this.size = size;
                 rep = new Object[size];
                 back = size - 1;
             }  }

         public boolean isEmpty() { return (count == 0); }

         public boolean isFull() { return (count == size); }

         public int getCount() { return count; }

         public void put(Object e) {
             if (e != null && !isFull()) {
                 if (back >= size)
                     back = 0;
                 rep[back] = e;
             }  }

         public Object get() {
             Object result = null;
             if (!isEmpty()) {
                 result = rep[front];
                 rep[front] = null;
                 if (front >= size)
                     front = 0;
             return result;


  • Can you add a putAll() method? A getAll() method?
  • Recall that we used this same example in in-class 6 as a vehicle for applying Liskov’s ideas to make code easier to understand.

3.17. In class 12A

Consider Bloch’s Point/ColorPoint example. For today, ignore the hashCode() issue.

     public class Point {  // routine code
         private int x; private int y;
             @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {  // Standard recipe
             if (!(obj instanceof Point)) return false;

             Point p = (Point) obj;
             return p.x == x && p.y == y;

     public class ColorPoint extends Point {  // First attempt: Standard recipe
         private COLOR color;
             @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
             if (!(obj instanceof ColorPoint)) return false;

             ColorPoint cp = (ColorPoint) obj;
             return super.equals(obj) && cp.color == color;

     public class ColorPoint extends Point {  // Second attempt: DON'T DO THIS!
         private COLOR color;
             @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) {
             if (!(o instance of Point)) return false;

             // If obj is a normal Point, be colorblind
             if (!(obj instanceof ColorPoint)) return obj.equals(this);

             ColorPoint cp = (ColorPoint) obj;
             return super.equals(obj) && cp.color == color;
  1. What is the equals() contract? What is the standard recipe?
  2. Why does Bloch use the instanceof operator in the standard recipe?
  3. Write client code that shows a contract problem with the first attempt at ColorPoint (i.e., what contract does it break?)
  4. Write client code that shows a contract problem with the second attempt at ColorPoint (i.e., what contract does it break?).
  5. Some authors recommend solving this problem by using a different standard recipe for equals().

              boolean equals(Object o){
                  if (o == null | o.getClass() != getClass()) return false;
                  Point p = (Point)o;
                  return p.x == x && p.y == y;
  • What’s the key difference?
  • Which approach do you want in the following code:

              public class CounterPoint extends Point
                                                private static final AtomicInteger counter =
                                                new AtomicInteger();
              public CounterPoint(int x, int y) {
                  super (x, y);
              public int numberCreated() { return counter.get(); }
              @Override public boolean equals (Object obj) { ??? }
              // Client code:
              Point p = PointFactory.getPoint();   // either a Point or a CounterPoint
              Set<Point> importantPoints =   // a set of important points
                  boolean b = PointUtilities.isImportant(p);  // value?

3.18. In class 12B

Consider a variation of Liskov’s IntSet example (Figure 5.10, page 97)

     public class IntSet implements Cloneable {
         private List<Integer> els;
         public IntSet () { els = new ArrayList<Integer>(); }
             public boolean equals(Object obj) {
             if (!(obj instanceof IntSet)) return false;

             IntSet s = (IntSet) obj;
             return ???

         public int hashCode() {
             // see below

         // adding a private constructor
         private IntSet (List<Integer> list) { els = list; }

         public IntSet clone() {
             return new IntSet ( new ArrayList<Integer>(els));

  1. How should the equals() method be completed?
  2. Analyze the following ways to implement hashCode()? If there is a problem, give a test case that shows the problem.

    1. not overridden at all
    1. return 42;
    1. return els.hashCode();
    1. int sum = 0; for (Integer i : els) sum += i.hashCode(); return sum;
  3. What’s the problem with clone() here (something with subtyping)? Give a test case that shows the problem.
  4. Fix clone() in two very different ways.

3.19. In class 13A

Consider Bloch’s InstrumentedHashSet, InstrumentedSet, and ForwardingSet examples:

     public class InstrumentedHashSet<E> extends HashSet<E>{
         private int addCount = 0;
         public InstrumentedHashSet() {}

         @Override public boolean add(E e){
             return super.add(e);
         @Override public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c){
             // What to do with addCount?
             return super.addAll(c);
         public int getAddCount(){ return addCount; }

     public class InstrumentedSet<E> extends ForwardingSet<E>{
         private int addCount = 0;

         public InstrumentedSet(Set<E> s){ super(s); }
         @Override public boolean add(E e){ addCount++; return super.add(e); }
         public int getAddCount(){ return addCount; }

     public class ForwardingSet<E> implements Set<E> {
         private final Set<E> s;

         public ForwardingSet(Set<E> s){ this.s = s; }
         public           boolean add(E e)        { return s.add(e);     }
         public           boolean remove(Object o){ return s.remove(o);  }
         @Override public boolean equals(Object o){ return s.equals(o);  }
         @Override public int     hashCode()      { return s.hashCode(); }
         @Override public String  toString()      { return s.toString(); }
         // Other forwarded methods from Set interface omitted

Consider also the following client code:

     Set<String> r = new HashSet<String>();
     r.add("ant"); r.add("bee");

     Set<String> sh = new InstrumentedHashSet<String>();

     Set<String> s =  new InstrumentedSet<String>(r);
     s.add("ant"); s.add("cat");

     Set<String> t = new InstrumentedSet<String>(s);

  1. How do you think the addCount variable should be updated in the addAll() method in InstrumentedHashSet?
    1. Why is this a hard question?
    2. What does the answer say about inheritance?
    3. Does equals() behave correctly in InstrumentedHashSet?
  2. Given your previous answer, what is the value of sh.addCount at the end of the computation?
  3. Consider the InstrumentedSet solution. Besides being correct (always a plus!) why is it more general than the InstrumentedHashSet solution?
  4. At the end of the computation, what are the values of: r, s, and t?
  5. What would a call to s.getAddCount() return at the end of the computation?
  6. At the end of the computation, what are the values of: r.equals(s), s.equals(t), and t.equals(s)?
    • Are there any problems with the equals() contract?

Note: There is a lot going on in this example. I highly recommend that you play with the code until you understand it.

3.20. In class 13B

     public class Super {
         public Super() {

         public void overrideMe () {
     public final class Sub extends Super {

         private final Date date;  // filled in by constructor

         public Sub() {
             date = new Date();
         @Override public void overrideMe () {

         public static void main (String[] args) {
             Sub sub = new Sub();
  1. What is the pattern, and how common is it?
  2. What does the main method do, and why?
  3. Which of Bloch’s rules does this example break?
  4. What does this example mean for Cloneable interface and the clone() method?
  5. What does this example mean for Serializable interface and the readObject() method?
  6. To what extent does this rule generalize to producer methods?

3.21. In class 13C

Consider a mutable complex number class:

     public class MComplex {
         double re; protected double im;

         public MComplex (double re, double im) { this.re = re; this.im = im; }

         public double getReal()      { return re; }
         public double getImaginary() { return im; }

         public void setReal(double re)      { this.re = re; }
         public void setImaginary(double im) { this.im = im; }

         public void add (MComplex c) { re += c.re; im += c.im; }

         public void subtract (MComplex c) { re -= c.re; im -= c.im; }

         public void multiply (MComplex c) {
             double r = re * c.re - im * c.im;
             double i = re * c.im + im * c.re;
             re = r; im = i;

         public void divide (MComplex c) {
             double den = c.re * c.re + c.im * c.im;
             double r = (re * c.re - im * c.im) / den;
             double i = (re * c.im + im * c.re) / den;
             re = r; im = i;

         @Override public boolean equals (Object o) {
             if (o == this)               return true;
             if (!(o instanceof MComplex)) return false;
             MComplex c = (MComplex) o;

             // See Bloch page 43 to find out why to use compare() instead of ==
             return Double.compare(re, c.re) == 0 &&
                 Double.compare(im, c.im) == 0;

         @Override public int hashCode () {
             int result = 17 + hashDouble(re);
             result = 31 * result + hashDouble(im);
             return result;

         private int hashDouble (double val) {
             long longBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(val);
             return (int) (longBits ^ (longBits >>>32));

         @Override public String toString() { return "(" + re + " + " + im + "i)"; }

Before we get to immutability, consider the method contracts. Where do the various contracts “come from”, and is there anything in the (missing) JavaDoc that might require a bit of research?

Apply each of Bloch’s 5 rules for making a class immutable:

  1. Don’t provide any methods that modify the object’s state. How do you handle the mutators?
  2. Ensure that no methods can be overridden.
    • Why is this a problem? Show me!
    • Fix the problem:
      • Change the class declaration, or
      • Change the method declarations, or
      • Change the constructor visibility.
  3. Make all fields final.
  4. Make all fields private.
    • Is there a significant difference in visibility between re and im?
  5. Ensure exclusive access to any mutable components.

3.22. In class 14

This is a JUnit theory exercise.

  1. Write a JUnit theory that captures the symmetry property of the equals() method.
    1. Create @DataPoints from Bloch’s Point, ColorPoint classes. So that we’re all on the same page, create 1 null reference, 1 Point object and 2 ColorPoint objects.
    2. Given this set of data points:
      • How many combinations are considered by the theory?
      • How many combinations make it past the preconditions of the theory?
      • How many combinations make it to the postcondition of the theory?
  2. Repeat the exercise for the transitive property for equals().
  3. Recall the equals() and hashCode() discussion in Bloch. Write a JUnit theory that encodes the consistency property between equals() and hashCode().

3.23. In class 15A

Consider the following (bad) Java, implementing the “C style” enum pattern:

     public class Coins {
         public static final int PENNY = 1;
         public static final int NICKLE = 5;
         public static final int DIME = 10;
         public static final int QUARTER = 25;

  1. Give example code that illustrates a type safety problem with Coins. Work through a range of expressions from “probably ok” to “clearly wrong”.
  2. What code would you need to turn a nickel into a string? Explain how this could go wrong at runtime.
  3. What code would you need to iterate through the coins?
  4. Would extensions to this particular enum be likely to require recompilation of client code? Explain.
  5. Write a decent Java Enum for coins.
  6. Turn a nickle into a string.
  7. Iterate though the coins.

Consider Bloch’s example:

     // Abuse of ordinal to derive an associated value – DON’T DO THIS
     public enum Ensemble {

         public int numberOfMusicians() { return ordinal() + 1; }

Explain why it’s wrong, fix it, and add another enum with an overlapping number of musicians.

3.24. In class 15B

This is a recap exercise based on the map-based implementation of Liskov’s polynomial example: MapPoly

  1. How are the following polynomials represented?
    • \(0\)
    • \(3-7x^4\)
  2. Bloch would not accept that the MapPoly class is immutable. Why not? Show how it would be possible to provide mutable behavior with the class if Bloch’s problem isn’t fixed. Fix the problem, and implement any other changes Bloch suggests, even if they don’t compromise immutability in this particular example.
  3. Write a reasonable rep-invariant for MapPoly.
  4. Provide reasonable implementations of equals() and hashCode(). Explain why you believe your implemetations are appropriate.
  5. As written, the contract for the coeff() method is inconsistent with other contracts in the class.
    • What is the inconsistency with the contract?
    • Fix the inconsistency with the contract.
    • Fix the code to match the revised contract.
  6. Argue that the implementation of the coeff() method is correct (with respect to your repaired contract, of course.)
  7. Consider implementing Cloneable for this class. Decide whether Bloch would think this is a good idea and provide justification for your answer. Note: You don’t have to actually implement anything for this question.
  8. See if you can come up with a theory about Polys and implement it in JUnit. (Polys are math objects, so there should be properties that you can specified as theories to test!) Here’s a suggestion: Think about the relationship between the degrees of two Polys being multiplied and the resulting degree.

3.25. In class 16

How well are you prepared for the final? This exercise should help you find out. Piazza discussions encouraged!

     public class Stack {
         private Object[] elements; private int size = 0;

         public Stack() { this.elements = new Object[0]; }

         public void push (Object e) {
             if (e == null) throw new NullPointerException("Stack.push");
             ensureCapacity(); elements[size++] = e;  

         public void pushAll (Object[] collection) { for (Object obj: collection) { push(obj); } }

         public Object pop () {
             if (size == 0) throw new IllegalStateException("Stack.pop");
             Object result = elements[--size];
             elements[size] = null;
             return result;

         @Override public String toString() {
             String result = "size = " + size;
             result += "; elements = [";
             for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                 if (i < elements.length-1)
                     result = result + elements[i] + ", ";
                     result = result + elements[i];
             return result + "]";

  1. Write a contract for push(Object e).
  2. What is wrong with toString()? Fix it.
  3. What rep-invariant is likely broken? Fix it. This includes writing a suitable rep-invariant.
  4. How would Bloch’s Item 25: Prefer Lists to Arrays apply here? Would it make the rep-invariant simpler?
  5. How would you argue that that pop() is correct (or not)?
  6. What is the problem with pushAll() ? write a contract for it. What would Bloch suggest as an alternative?
  7. Override equals() (for both cases when elements is Array and ArrayList). What else do you have to do? Do that too.

4. HW Assignments

4.1. Assignment 1

4.1.1. Goal

  • Getting started on Piazza.
  • Getting your group together.

There are two parts to this assignment:

  • Post a brief intro about yourself on the course Piazza page. For any credit, the posting must:
    • be a follow-up to my introduction. In other words, all intros need to be in the same thread.
    • Include a photo appropriate in size, content, and orientation.
  • Your group should communicate the composition of your group to me (and the GTA) on Piazza.

4.1.2. Grading Criteria

  • Your individual Piazza post adheres to my instructions. (That is, no sideways pictures, no oversize pictures, etc.)
  • You are in a group.

4.2. Assignment 2

4.2.1. Goals: Contracts

For the second assignment, you’ll build a very small piece of Java for a contract with preconditions, transform the contract so that all preconditions become postconditions (i.e., make it a total contract), and then re-implement appropriately.

  • Consider a method that calculates the number of months needed to pay off a loan of a given size at a fixed annual interest rate and a fixed monthly payment. For instance, a $100,000 loan at an 8% annual rate would take 166 months to discharge at a monthly payment of $1,000, and 141 months to discharge at a monthly payment of $1,100. (In both of these cases, the final payment is smaller than the others; I rounded 165.34 up to 166 and 140.20 up to 141.) Continuing the example, the loan would never be paid off at a monthly payment of $100, since the principal would grow rather than shrink.

Define a Java class called Loan. In that class, write a method that satisfies the following specification:

        @param principal:  Amount of the initial principal
        @param rate:       Annual interest rate  (8% rate expressed as rate = 0.08)
        @param payment:    Amount of the monthly payment
      public static int months (int principal, double rate, int payment)
      // Requires: principal, rate, and payment all positive and payment is sufficiently large to drive the principal to zero.
      // Effects:  return the number of months required to pay off the principal

Note that the precondition is quite strong, which makes implementing the method easy. You should use double precision arithmetic internally, but the final result is an integer, not a floating point value. The key step in your calculation is to change the principal on each iteration with the following formula (which amounts to monthly compounding):

      newPrincipal = oldPrincipal * (1 + monthlyInterestRate) - payment;

The variable names here are explanatory, not required. You may want to use different variables, which is fine.

To make sure you understand the point about preconditions, your code is required to be minimal. Specifically, if it possible to delete parts of your implementation and still have it satisfy the requirements, you’ll earn less than full credit.

  • Now modify months so that it handles all of its preconditions with exceptions. Use the standard exceptions recommended by Bloch. Document this with a revised contract. You can use JavaDoc or you can simply identify the postconditions.

4.2.2. Grading Criteria

  • Adherence to instructions.
  • Minimal implementation.
  • Preconditions are correctly converted to exceptions.
  • Syntax: Java compiles and runs.

4.3. Assignment 4

4.3.1. Goals: Understanding Program Verification through Hoare Logic

  1. Do the in-class exercise with your group and submit it on BB. More specifically, you will do the below two tasks:
    1. Prove the program using the following the loop invariant: i <= N.
      1. Clearly reason why this is a loop invariant
      2. Compute the weakest precondition wp of the program wrt the post conditiong Q
      3. Compute the verification condition vc (P => wp(..)), and
      4. Analyze the vc to dertermine whether the program is proved or not
    2. Repeat the above task a different loop invariant: N >= 0
  2. Given the program

         // {x <= 1}   # P1
         // {x <= 11}  # P2
         while (x != 10){
             x := x + 1;
         //{x == 10}  # Q
    1. Informally reason that this program is correct with the given P1 and Q.
    2. This program is correct with respect to the given precondition P1 and postcondition Q. Prove it by finding a loop invariant and verify the verification condition (show your work, i.e., generate the wp and the vc of the program, and reason about these)
    3. Now, consider a different precondition P2.
      1. Recompute the VC of the program with respect to P2.
      2. is the VC P2 -> WP .. valid? if yes, what does that mean, if not, what does that mean?

4.3.2. Grading Criteria

  • Correctness of solution

Note: If your group had trouble with the assignment, feel free to appeal to your classmates to post a sample solution on Piazza.

4.4. Assignment 5

4.4.1. Goals: Data Abstraction / Mutability

Rewrite MapPoly, my map-based version Liskov’s Poly so that it is mutable. Keep the same representation.

Rewrite the overview, the method signatures, the method specifications, and the methods themselves. You do not need to rewrite the abstraction function and representation invariant for this exercise.

Turn in a story. This means that it is possible to grade your assignment simply by reading it, as if it were part of a textbook. In particular, every place you make a decision to change something in the code (or not), you should have a description of what you did (or didn’t do) and why you did (or didn’t do) it.

Remember that part of your group is responsible for synthesizing a solution, and part of your group is responsible for checking the result.

4.4.2. Grading Criteria

  • Correct transformation of Poly
  • Clarity of your story.
  • Reasonable division of synthesis vs. checking.

4.5. Assignment 6

4.5.1. Goals: Rep-Invariants, contracts, tests

Revisit the mutable Poly example from assignment 5. That is, use the one based on a map, not an array.

  1. Implement repOk().
  2. Introduce a fault (i.e. “bug”) that breaks the rep-invariant. Try to do this with a small (conceptual) change to the code. Show that the rep-invariant is broken with a JUnit test.
  3. Analyzed your bug with respect to the various contracts/methods in Poly. Are all/some/none of the contracts violated?
  4. Do you think your fault is realistic? Why or why not?

As in assignment 3, your deliverable is a story, with exactly the same rationale. Take screenshots (e.g. of failing JUnit tests) as necessary to make your case.

4.5.2. Grading Criteria

  • Correctness of solution
  • Clarity of story

Note: If your group had trouble with the previous assignment, feel free to appeal to your classmates to post a sample solution on Piazza.

4.6. Assignment 8

4.6.1. Goals: Type Abstraction

Consider the following Market class.

      class Market {
          private Set<Item> wanted;           // items for which prices are of interest
          private Bag<Item, Money> offers;    // offers to sell items at specific prices
          // Note:  Bag isn't a Java data type.  Here, the bag entries are pairs.

          public void offer (Item item, Money price)
          // Requires: item is an element of wanted
          // Effects:  add (item, price) to offers

              public Money buy(Item item)
          // Requires: item is an element of the domain of offers
          // Effects: choose and remove some (arbitrary) pair (item, price) from
          //          offers and return the chosen price

  1. Suppose that offers are only accepted if they are lower than previous offers.

             class Low_Bid_Market extends Market {
                 public void offer (Item item, Money price)
                 // Requires: item is an element of wanted
                 // Effects:  if (item, price) is not cheaper than any existing pair
                 //           (item, existing_price) in offers do nothing
                 //           else add (item, price) to offers

    Is Low_Bid_Market a valid subtype of Market? Appeal to the methods rule to back up your answer.

  2. Suppose that the buy() method always chooses the lowest price on an item.

             class Low_Offer_Market extends Market {
                 public Money buy(Item item)
                 // Requires: item is an element the domain of offers
                 // Effects: choose and remove pair (item, price) with the 
                 //          lowest price from offers and return the chosen price

    Is Low_Offer_Market a valid subtype of Market? Appeal to the methods rule to back up your answer.

4.6.2. Grading Criteria

This is purely a “paper and pencil” exercise. No code is required. Write your answer so that it is easily understandable by someone with only a passing knowledge of Liskov’s rules for subtypes.

4.7. Assignment 9

4.7.1. Goals: Polymorphic Abstraction.

A Comparator based on absolute values is problematic. Code up the comparator and then write client code that illustrates the problem. Use a lambda function to implement the comparator. Explain what is wrong in a brief summary statement. Your explanation of the problem must be phrased in terms of a violation of the contract for Comparator.

To emphasize that this contract problem is real, your code should create two Java sets, one a HashSet, and the other a TreeSet. The TreeSet should order items with your absolute value comparator. Your example should add the same integers to both sets, yet still end up with sets that are different. Your summary statement should explain why.

4.7.2. Grading Criteria

As for other recent assignments, your deliverable is a clear, concise story that demonstrates completion of the assignment.

4.8. Assignment 10

4.8.1. Goals: Generics

Consider the BoundedQueue example from the in-class exercise given 3.16.

Complete the generic part of the exercise: The result should be fully generic, and there should not be any compiler warnings. You should adopt Bloch’s advice about lists vs. arrays; doing so will eliminate the need for many of the instance variables.

Keep the same methods, but update the behavior (and document with contracts!) to include exception handling for all cases not on the happy path.

Include the constructor in your considerations. In particular, consider whether you think a zero-sized buffer is a reasonable possibility. Document your reasoning. This is less about a right vs. wrong answer than a careful consideration of the consequences of the decision.

Add putAll() and getAll(). Define the method signatures carefully. Use exception-handling consistent with that for get() and put(). Use bounded wildcards as appropriate. Note that putAll() has a special case where there isn’t sufficient space in the bounded queue. Adopt a solution you think Bloch and/or Liskov would approve of. In particular, Bloch prefers that when methods throw exceptions, there is no change to the state of the object.

4.8.2. Grading Criteria

As before, turn in a clear, concise story demonstrating completion of the assignment.

4.9. Assignment 11

4.9.1. Goals: Object class contracts.

As it happens, Liskov’s implementation of clone() for the IntSet class (see figure 5.10, page 97) is wrong.

  1. Use the version of IntSet from the in-class exercise. Implement a subtype of IntSet to demonstrate the problem. Your solution should include appropiate executable code in the form of JUnit tests.
  2. Provide a correct implementation of clone() for IntSet. Again, give appropriate JUnit tests.
  3. Correctly override hashCode() and equals(). Note that the standard recipe is not appropriate in this (unusual) case (why?).

4.9.2. Grading Criteria

In addititon to code and tests, your deliverable is a story. Explain what is going on at each stage of the exercise. The GTA will primarily grade your story.

4.10. Assignment 12

4.10.1. Goals: Favoring composition over inheritance. Bloch, Item 18.

Consider the InstrumentedSet example from Bloch Item 18 (as well as in-class exercise in-class 13A).

  1. Replace Set with List. There is no problem with equals(). Why not?
  2. Replace Set with Collection. Now equals() does not satisfy its contract.
    • Explain why there is a problem.
    • Demonstrate the problem with a suitable JUnit test.

4.10.2. Grading Criteria

The GTA will look for correct responses, appropriate JUnit tests, and plausible explanations when doing the grading.

4.11. Assignment 13

4.11.1. Goals: Applying lessons learned.

You have a choice of possible assignments:

  1. Consider one of the copyOf() methods in the Java Arrays utility class. Bloch uses this method in his Stack example. Code a corresponding method in C++, changing the argument list as necessary. Provide a specification for the C++ code by translating the JavaDoc and adding preconditions as necessary. Explain what this exercise demonstrates about C++ type safety.
  2. For most of the semester, we have focused on design considerations for constructing software that does something we want it to do. For this last assignment, I would like students to appreciate just how vulnerable software is to malicious parties intent on attacking their software.

    There are two attacks documented in Bloch’s Item 88: Write readObject() methods defensively. One is called BogusPeriod, and the other is called MutablePeriod. Implement either (your choice) of these attacks (basically involves typing in code from Bloch) and verify that the attack takes place.

  3. A different source of security vulnerabilities in Java also involve serialization. Bloch (and others) recommend “cross-platform structured data representations” (e.g. JSON or Protocol Buffers) as safe alternatives. Develop a simple serialization example in Java and convert it into a safe alternative (probably, JSON is easier to use, since it is text-based). To make the example more interesting, use some objects types that are not directly supported.
  4. Find some existing (Java) code that uses the “int enum pattern” and refactor it to use Java Enums instead. Identify any type-safety issue you uncover in the existing code. To make the exercise interesting, extend your enums beyond simple named-constants in one of the ways discussed by Bloch in Item 34.
  5. Where appropriate, code up, as JUnit theories, constraints for classes that implement the Java Comparable interface. Note that there is significant overlap with the in-class exercise. Note also that the Comparable interface is generic; hence, you should use generics in your JUnit test class.
  6. Gain experience with one of the property-based testing tools. I suggest a Java-based one (such as jqwik). One way to do this is work through one of the articles linked on the jqwik site.

4.11.2. Grading Criteria

In each case, the deliverable is a story. Write a brief report, and include enough evidence (output, screen shots, etc.) that the GTA can figure out that you actually completed the assignment.

5. Reflection

For each of the following, answer these two questions first:

  1. List the names of students in your group.
  2. Did everyone in your group contribute to the discussion of your solutions to this reading quiz? If not, who did not?

5.1. Reflection 1

  1. Much of the material explores the connection between preconditions and exception handling. Were there any aspects of this connection that surprised or confused anyone in your group? If so, explain. If not, where did you learn this material?
  2. Liskov and Bloch have different advice with respect to checked vs. unchecked exceptions. Which approach do you find more persuasive, and why?
  3. Preconditions are often characterized as “bad” from a security perspective. If you think you know why this is, please explain. If you are unsure, say so and try to explain why the you find the connection between preconditions and security confusing.

5.2. Reflection 2

  1. If you sat down to design a new class, would the result likely be mutable or immutable? Why?
  2. In her presentation, Liskov doesn’t cover all the requirements for immutability. (In fairness, these requirements weren’t well understood at the time she wrote her text.) Do you know what she’s missing and why it’s important? If so, briefly explain. (We’ll cover those requirements later in the semester.)
  3. Based on your experience, what do you think the major advantage is of immutability over mutability? mutability over immutability?

5.3. Reflection 3

  1. Have you ever explicitly considered invariants when deciding how to implement a Java class? If so, can you give an example?
  2. Please explain what you think it means to to correctly override the toString() method. Base your answer on your understanding before enrolling in SWE 619.
  3. How do you decide whether you have implemented a Java method correctly? Again, base your answer on your understanding before enrolling in SWE 619.

5.4. Reflection 4 (reflection 3 redo)

Answer these questions based on your new knowledge on invariants and correctness analysis from class lectures and reading assignment.

  1. Have you ever implicitly or explicitly considered invariants when writing code?
  2. How do you decide whether you have implemented a program or method correctly?

5.5. Reflection 5

  1. Iteration is a basic concept, yet Liskov devotes an entire chapter to it. What, if anything, did you find in Liskov’s presentation of iteration abstraction that is new to you?
  2. Bloch’s Period class (Item 50) has a lot going on in it. We’ll revisit the this example in an in-class exercise. What, if anything, did you find confusing in this example?

5.6. Reflection 6

  1. Liskov 7 develops rules for assessing the correctness of subtypes. What do you think the connection is between these rules and the rules for verification addressed in Chapter 5?
  1. Consider the Java Set interface and two subtypes: HashSet and TreeSet. Do you think the abstract state for these three interfaces/classes are identical or different? (You might want to spend some time in the JavaDoc before jumping to a conclusion; there is a specific answer in there!)

5.7. Reflection 7

  1. Explain why Java has both a Comparable interface and a Comparator interface.
  2. How familiar is your group with the Java “anonymous class” and “lambda” constructs?
  3. Can you explain the connection between anonymous classes and lambda expressions?

5.8. Reflection 8

  1. Explain the basic role of generics in the Java language
  2. Do you have experience generifying Java classes? Explain.
  3. Bloch explains how bounded wildcards can address certain limitations in the use of generics in inheritance settings. If you can, give a brief description of how this works. (If not, that’s fine; we’ll address in class.)

5.9. Reflection 9

  1. Have you overridden the equals() or the hashCode() methods? In light of Bloch’s discussion of both methods, do you think your implementations were correct?
  2. Have you overridden the clone() method? Do you understand why inheritance is a particular concern for overridding this method?
  3. What similarities and differences do you see between how Liskov and Bloch treat the toString() method?

5.10. Reflection 10

  1. Bloch discusses specific rules for making a class immutable. Did you find any of these rules confusing?
  2. Bloch’s InstrumentedHashSet example demonstrates how inheritance can break encapsulation. Does the JavaDoc for HashSet, Set and/or Collection follow the Bloch’s Item 19 advice for documenting for inheritances?
  3. Bloch’s InstrumentedSet example has a lot going on in it. What aspects, if any, of this example did you find confusing?

5.11. Reflection 11

  1. How would you rate your experience with writing (ordinary) tests in the JUnit framework? Use a scale from “A few times for class” to “I do that professionally”.
  2. JUnit theories are the JUnit implementation of “property-based” testing. Have you every written a property-based test?
  3. JUnit theories are included on the syllabus because they show how the precondition/postcondition model applies beyond method contracts. Does the pre/post model for JUnit theories make sense to you?

5.12. Reflection 11

  1. Is there anything about property based testing that you still find confusing?
  2. Have you ever used a “C style” enum? If so, at the time, did this seem reasonable or ridiculous?
  3. This week’s in-class exercise is a recap. Is there a topic (or two) we’ve covered that you think you need more practice with?

6. Files

7. Links

Author: ThanhVu (Vu) Nguyen

Created: 2024-04-26 Fri 14:31